Other projects
ForTran (2023 - 2029)
Title: Forests in systemic transition – Balancing efficiency with fairness and resilience
Leader: Prof. Mikko Mönkkönen, University of Jyväskylä, France
Funding: Strategic Research Council (SRC) established within the Research Council of Finland
ForTran aims to design and facilitate a green and just transition in how we perceive and use forests. Together with actors from different sectors, the project looks for societally effective solutions to the sustainability transition in the Finnish forest sector.
My contribution is in WP4 about defining the ecological limits of sustainable and resilient forestry.
More information here >> fortran.fi <<
FunBiodiv (2024 - 2026)
Title: Functional analysis of biological pest control by plant diversification across scales
Leader: Dr. Aude Vialatte & Dr. Adrien Rush, INRAE, France
Funding: CESAB – Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity – FRB (Foundation for Research on Biodiversity)
The goal of the FunBioDiv project is to identify combinations of plant diversification strategies across spatial and temporal scales that help in maintaining biodiversity while enhancing biological control of noxious organisms and limiting their damages. We will quantify how communities of natural enemies, pathogens, weeds and insects respond to these management options.
More information here >> FunBioDiv website <<
ResForest (2023 - 2027)
Title: Enhancing resilience in boreal forests to face climate change challenges
Leader: Dr. María Triviño, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Funding: Kone Foundation
Resforest aims at strengthening the social-ecological resilience of Finnish forests by assessing how forest dynamics and forest owner’s preferences and decisions might enhance or limit the resilience of forest ecosystems.
My contribution is to compare different landscape management scenarios with and without stakeholders’ preferences and identify potential mismatch.
Ampli-Gamma (2022 - 2024)
Title: Landscape management planning and gamma multi-diversity
Leader: Dr. Laurent Bergés, INRAE, France
Funding: Metaprogram Biosefair, INRAE
Ampli Gamma aims at synthesizing knowledge on heterogeneity-biodiversity relationship, developing new biodiversity sampling strategies, as well as, designing studies of landscape management gradients.
My contribution is towards a systematic review on landscape heterogeneity and discuss new approaches to describe landscapes functional heterogeneity.